DCYF Alternative Education Program

The mission of the DCYF Alternative Education Program (AEP), as a mandatory educational program within a juvenile correctional facility, is to educate all students with the skills, knowledge and values to succeed in school, work and community by providing a safe, consistent and secure learning environment which meets the individual, educational, and vocational needs of each resident while challenging all residents to fulfill their potential.

- School begins each day from 8:15am-11:40am, lunch is from 11:40am-12:40pm, then school resumes from 12:45pm-2:45pm Monday through Friday. There are 5 Periods of classes each day.
- On Friday school ends at 11:40am and teachers use this time to collaborate as a team and to create intervention plans for students who may be struggling academically or behaviorally.
- There are 3 mods where the youth live and go to school. Most mods have at least two classes running at a time.
- The DCYF Alternative Education Program (AEP) provides each student with access to rigorous and relevant curricula aligned with Common Core State Standards and Career/Technical Standards. The AEP is also aligned to all applicable Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) regulations for compliance.
- Students at The AEP are provided direct instruction by certified teaching staff, have access to online learning platforms, and benefit from supplemental materials and instructional aides to meet academic goals.
- The AEP follows individual and specific proficiency based graduation requirements for all districts from whom we receive youth in fulfillment of graduation requirements; allowing for a seamless transition for youth when they re-enter their home school districts upon release.

Expanded Learning Opportunities / Community Partnerships
At the AEP we engage many partners in the important work of educating beyond the classroom and as part of innovative, creative and personalized learning opportunities that prepare our youth for the 21st Century!
- GED Preparation
- SAT Testing
- Drivers Education
- Urban Gardening
- ServSafe Food Handler Training
- Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED
- Asthma and Quick-Relief Medication Administration
- Anaphylaxis and Epinephrine
- Auto-Injector Administration
- Bloodborne Pathogens Training
- NARCAN Training
- College Enrollment (as applicable)
- Roger Williams Law School
- T-Time Productions
- Atomic Salon
- Harvest Kitchen
- Comprehensive Community Action Program (CCAP)
- Tides Family Services
- The Center for Mediation and Collaboration RI
- Mentoring Thru Sports
- Mystic Aquarium STEM Mentoring
Senior Leadership Team
- Dr. Larome Myrick, Executive Director
- Brian Terry, Superintendent
- Dr. Mary ClairMichaud, Clinical Director
- Jessica Nash, Associate Director-Probation
- Dr. Heather Dos Santos, Principal/Special Education Director
Alternative Education Program’s Guidance
Meet the Staff!
- Dr. Heather Dos Santos, Principal/Special Education Director
- Allison Rego, ELA Teacher
- Daniel Parrillo, ELA Teacher
- Cheryl Glowacki, Science Teacher
- Joseph N. Amaral, Science Teacher
- Aidan Donahue, Math Teacher
- Houa Kue, Math Teacher
- George Dawe, History/ELL Teacher
- Jill Page, Special Education Teacher
- Jim Anderson, Art Teacher
- Tracy Bolano, Social Worker
- Cathleen Hyland, Culinary Arts/Health and Nutrition Instructor
- Dawn McPhillips, PE/Health Teacher
- Geline O’Connor, Grants Coordinator/Records Clerk
- Keila Almonte, Administrative Assistant
- Emilia DaSilva-Tavarez, Long-term Substitute Teacher
- Anthony Favorito, Teacher Aide