Division of Youth Development
Program Mission
The Division of Youth Development consists of the Rhode Island Training School and the Office of Juvenile Probation. The Division of Youth Development promotes the rehabilitation of youth through a continuum of flexible, innovative, and effective programs for male and female youth. The Division of Youth Development strives to promote positive outcomes for youth and to reduce recidivism for youth within the juvenile and criminal justice systems.
The Rhode Island Training School
The Rhode Island Training School (RITS) is a secure juvenile justice program for male and female youth who are detained and /or sentenced to the facility by order of the Rhode Island Family Court. The RITS provides for the rehabilitation of youth through a comprehensive continuum of services provided in partnership with families, the community and the Department. Supervision, security, education, behavioral health, health and transition services are provided to all youth incarcerated at the RITS in an individualized, culturally and gender sensitive manner.
All youth incarcerated at the RITS receive educational services in accordance with their academic level and/or specific individual education plan. The RITS educational program is approved as an alternative educational program and adheres to Rhode Island Department of Education regulations. Goals and objectives consistent with this mission are developed annually to measure effectiveness of programming for residents.
The Office of Juvenile Probation
The office of Juvenile Probation provides supervision in the community for youth who have been adjudicated wayward or delinquent by the Rhode Island Family Court and are sentenced to a term of probation, or who are sentenced to the Rhode Island Training School (RITS), but can serve their sentence in a residential treatment program (temporary community placement).
Adherence to court ordered conditions of probation is monitored. Probation Officers assist in coordinating needed services. They provide ongoing support to youth and families with the goal of maintaining youth safely in the community and reducing recidivism.
While the primary goals of Juvenile Justice Services are to reduce the instances of youth who re-offend and maintain community safety, the office of Juvenile Probation seeks to promote positive youth outcomes such as educational attainment, meaningful employment, and stable housing.
Standards and Policies
The Department of Children, Youth and Families Juvenile Justice Services Policies
All Department’s policies regarding Juvenile Justice Services can be found at: Juvenile Justice Services Policies
Rhode Island Training School Resident Handbook
This handbook outlines important information regarding youth rights and responsibilities, facility rules, programs and services available, and provides directions for youth who feel they have been treated unfairly, and how to get help when it’s needed. The handbook can be downloaded in English or Spanish by clicking on the following links:
Rhode Island Training School Resident Handbook (English)
Standards for the Prevention, Detection, Response, and Monitoring of Sexual Abuse
The Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families regards compliance with the national Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Standards for Juvenile Facilities to be of critical importance and strives to maintain compliance in accordance with these standards.
RITS PREA Annual Reports, 2012-2015
PREA Reports for Juvenile Facilities
RI Training School – PREA Audit – Final Report 2023
Coventry House PREA Report, 2023
RI Training School – Sexual Victimization Survey, 2021
RI Training School – PREA Audit – Final Report, 2020
RI Training School – Sexual Victimization Survey, 2020
RI Training School – PREA Audit - Final Report, 2019
Ocean Tides – PREA Audit - Final Report, 2020
Ocean Tides – PREA Audit - Final Report, 2019
RI Training School – Sexual Victimization Survey, 2019
Ocean Tides – Report on Sexual Victimization, 2018
RI Training School – Sexual Victimization Survey, 2018
Ocean Tides – PREA Audit - Final Report, 2017
Ocean Tides – Survey of Sexual Victimization, 2017
RI Training School – Sexual Victimization Survey, 2017
RI Training School - PREA Audit – Final Report, 2016
Ocean Tides – Survey of Sexual Victimization, 2016