Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Children, Youth & Families ,

Program Impacts, Outcomes and Reports

Selected Outcomes on Children/Youth Entering Community-Based Programs

The Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families (RI DCYF) in collaboration with community providers offer various community-based services as part of early efforts to preserve families caring for their children and youth as well as to promote their overall well-being. As part of an ongoing effort to better tailor the services, which in turn may lead to better outcomes for the children and families served by DCYF, Division of Performance Improvement (DPI) monitors the outcomes of children and families receiving services annually.

These slides highlight some of the main findings presented in the annual Community Based Services Report (the full report can be found below). The data presented is from an entry cohort of children who started a DCYF contracted service while in-home and are followed for 12-months from the service start date to see if they experienced any of the following outcomes:

  • Removal from home
  • Child Protective Service investigation
  • Indication or maltreatment
  • Stay at Youth Development Center (YDC)
  • Adjudication


Selected Outcomes on children/youth entering community-based programs, 2020

Selected Outcomes on children/youth entering community-based programs, 2019

Selected outcomes on children/youth entering community-based programs, 2018

Selected outcomes on children/youth entering community-based programs, 2016

Selected outcomes on children/youth entering community-based programs, 2015

Predictors of Juvenile Justice Involvement Among Children with a History of Foster Care

The report below presents a longitudinal analysis on 1,905 children (median age =10, std =6.1) who were initially removed from home and entered into RI DCYF foster care between 2000-2001 without prior removal and adjudication in the RI juvenile justice system. These children were followed until their 18th birthday or until their first adjudication 1) to measure time to event between foster care entry and first adjudication and 2) to identify predictors of juvenile justice involvement among children who experienced child welfare foster care system. 

Predictors of Juvenile Justice involvement among children with a history of foster care

Parenting with Love & Limits

Parenting with Love & Limits (PLL) is a program within the DCYF service array aimed at supporting and improving the well-being of children, youth and families involved with the Department. This report is to inform readers about the characteristics of youth who receive PLL in Rhode Island and the percentage of youth who experience child welfare or juvenile justice outcomes after completing PLL.

Parenting with Love & Limits (PLL), Data and Evaluation (2016)

Multi-systemic Therapy in Rhode Island

The purpose of this report is to identify characteristics, of youth who received multi-systemic therapy (MST), that are associated with three outcomes within one year post MST completion: 1) removal from home; 2) a stay at the juvenile correction facility (Rhode Island Training School, RITS) including detention and adjudication; and 3) adjudication in the juvenile justice system.

Multi-systemic Therapy in Rhode Island, 2008-2011